Company Name, catch phrase and logo
Brand name: Simple Music Older users will have memory issues and might struggle with names that are long or complex. The brand Simple Music is very clear, easy to remember and uncomplicated. It describes exactly what it is and exactly what it does in two simple words. Older users might have anxiety before downloading an app that they will be overwhelmed/frustrated and not be able to successfully navigate or get bombarded with ads and accidentally buy something. Immediately this name puts the user at some ease that they might successfully navigate the app. This name has a domain available and no trademarks on file. I do know that Simply Music is an LLC, but have no trademarks and I am unsure of the effect this would have on my name. Catch phrase: Less buttons, more music. This catch phrase is again very simple. It quickly explains that the app is simple, different and how the user benefits from its differences. Older folks have decreased neuroplasticity. Decreasing the mental processing...