What I want out of T INST 475 class

    I hope for this class to help me with personal growth, some vision, motivation and inspiration, a plan for some of my ideas as well as the opportunity to learn about what it is like and what it takes to be an entrepreneur. I also hope to find some direction in life and would love to see one of my ideas come to life. I look forward to finding new ways to help society, the motivation to take my own ideas more seriously and the experience/guidance/network opportunities that the class will provide. I also look forward to getting to know my classmates and being a part of a community. I am enjoying the informal conversational class structure that allows for story sharing and personal connections. I am excited for more stories and conversations that will help me put my story into context, make my direction seem less scary and help us to come up with ideas and solutions together. I hope that the support of my peers will encourage me to discover more about myself and be comfortable with my direction. Already, I feel like I have learned more about myself through the strengths and weaknesses exercise and I look forward to learning more.
    I also hope to come out of this class with a solid foundation and knowledge base of entrepreneurship to draw from in practice. That was I can approach issues I might face in my future from a more educated and experienced perspective. In addition, I would like to maintain any professional connections I make out of this experience moving forward.


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